Monday I cleaned my desk. This sounds like such a simple thing. It wasn't. I am a piler. Pile it here, pile it there, stack this stuff in the corner. Piles and stacks all over the place. My desk and the small table next to it had no less than five stacks at least 8 inches tall. The Admiral had mentioned a few times that it was getting to him. (We share the desk.) So I set Monday for the task. It took all day. But OH! the satisfaction. There is one small stack left. It is 5 folders of current projects. I feel so... so... proud of myself. The desk is functional. I have used it for more than computer time. Why? Why do I wait so long? It doesn't matter. I took action.

Another action I took this week was to implement a new system. I am one of those people for whom adventures, experiences, and activities will
always be preeminent over housework. Always. Therefore I forget to do things like changing the bed sheets on any kind of a schedule. I want to be a better steward of my home. Last week the thought occurred to me to have an assignment notebook. I am list person. I love to cross things off a written list. I get much more done when I have a list. So I got a school calendar. The kind that has weekday pages between the month pages. I went through and wrote a list of tasks like changing sheets, cleaning bathrooms, school projects, special projects etc. I put the housework type things scheduled on specific days. If I don't get to something on the to do list today it moves to tomorrow. I maintained this all week. I am excited. I am also praying I will continue to be faithful to the system.

So Today I am extremely content with the week past. We had 2 snow days, 2 delay days, and still I managed to accomplish a lot. By week's end, I had vacuumed, cleaned the desk, cleaned a bathroom, took down the Christmas tree, helped Pixie with her "100 day" project, done 2/3 of the laundry, and unloaded the dishwasher 5 or 6 times. Hooray!
Friday evening we attend a family PJ Party at our church complete with fun projects and silly munchkins. We did the Christmas Tree Sunday afternoon. I am glad for the week past and the fun we had. I am thankful for a new productivity system.
Lord Continue to give me direction and help me to be focused on the things you have for me to give attention too.
1 comment:
This sounds so much like me. I want to do better at cleaning, but favor activities and outings instead. I need to try your system. I had a pretty good system going before we moved....and now that we are moving again maybe I can get a system back! :)
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