Nineteen plus years has brought our share of ups and downs. Today the downs have made us stronger in our relationship with the Father and each other. The ups have given us times to fly.
We choose to walk together. We choose to stand together. We choose to Love.

After being told we couldn't have children on our own, God, in his sense of humor, told us otherwise.
T was born 10 months later in a snowstorm.
Today she is a bright, empathetic, generous, Fourteen year old girl. T loves reading, rough housing with Daddy, theater, movies and music.
I am blessed.
Pixie is eleven.
She is a generous loving energetic little fireball in our lives. She sparkles in her personality, her clothing choices, and her wit.
Pixie is a delight to those around her. She can often be found caring for those around her and mothering those smaller than she. Pixie loves to run, read, dance, and dress fabulously.
January 2013 brought a surprise. We were expecting again.
MJ joined us in early September. She is a delight and a joy. MJ loves Octonauts, coloring, and playing make believe. Her sisters delight in her, her daddy is enamored, and I... I am triply blessed.
MJ joined us in early September. She is a delight and a joy. MJ loves Octonauts, coloring, and playing make believe. Her sisters delight in her, her daddy is enamored, and I... I am triply blessed.
The Admiral.
What can I say... He is the commander of our little fleet.
The Admiral likes Jeeps and off-roading, theology, helping others, projects that get him away from his computer, and making the cannons talk.
He helps me to be a better mom, wife, and woman. My Admiral has a hunger to know God more. A hunger to understand and be able to share the heart of the Father.
I am so very blessed to be his help mate. He is my treasure.
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