I spent the end of last week in Goodlettesville, TN at Aldersgate Renewal Ministries annual gathering of the board of directors and advisory council. This "Gathering" is a time of family, worship, prayer, work, and fellowship. I saw daffodils and other flowers beginning to bloom and didn't wear a jacket the whole time I was there. I went because I value this ministry and the work they do to equip Christians to be in ministry to their world. I went because I grew up around this family and I love reconnecting with them.
I also went to spend time focused on God. This meeting is not your average board meeting. We spend time in worship, business, prayer and fellowship. I knew making the investment to go would be valuable. I worshiped Abba with abandon, I listened with focus. What a blessing to make time to do those things on a Friday morning! God very clearly challenged me. He challenged me to refocus on my commitment to listen in prayer. He challenged me to study deeper. Lately life has been so on the go and I have so many distractions that I give into, I haven't been digging in. I've been getting by.
Listen. Dig in & Go deeper. Dress Up.
Today is a new day. I am making time to Listen not just list in prayer. This is one of three challenges I am accepting. The second is to Dig in and Go deeper as I study his word. Not reading to get it done, but really studying and getting His word into my heart. The third challenge is from my fitness coach it is Dress Up. "Dress for the body and Mindset you want." Basically this is deciding to "Own" my days instead of drifting through them. It works.
What challenges is God calling you to ? What changes do you need to make this spring?
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