Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rain, fillings, & outlooks

It is raining, again. Perhaps I should say still.

Each day as I drive my daughters to school we take a few moments to give our day to God and ask him to direct our paths and guide our behavior- mine included. Sometimes we have to talk about whatever problem is uppermost in my dear girl's minds. Such as a classmate who is hard to be nice too or whether or not we will get a nap time award today. These are important things. When we pray on our drive it is short and sweet and usually with eyes wide open. Today I prayed "Thank You Lord for the beautiful new day you have given us, Thank you for the rain that is refilling our water table...." As I continued I heard a large sigh from behind me. My Bright One, who is 4 1/2, sighed and said very grumpily "are you sure you want to Thank Him for the rain? He might send more." I attempted not to drive off the road as I burst into laughter. It got me thinking about my outlook. I was praying thanks to help adjust my own negative attitude about the rain. Bright One totally called me on it. We talked about being thankful in every situation and finding a reason to offer thanks. How often I use my words to gloss over my deeper feelings. My maker desires me to give Him my true self with no pretenses.

After that revelation, I went off to the dentist to have a cavity filled. How fun... not. Here again I am thankful for a number of things. Novocaine for one. ;) My excellent dentist who worked quickly and efficiently, making me feel as comfortable as one can in a chair under bright lights with someone else's fingers in your mouth. We have so much to be thankful for in everyday. We can look for the silver lining. I find when I am intentional about looking for the good things... my days are bright no matter the weather!

Lord, Thank you for being. Thank You for giving. Thank you for showing me how to love and be Thankful in every situation. - Whisper

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