Monday, March 14, 2011

A blank wall


I don't hear anything.

A blank page.

A blank screen.

Ideas pop in and then swoosh they are gone.

A while ago I started writing this blog because I felt the push to write. To write what the Lord was teaching me. To write the lessons in the little everyday happenings. It wasn't comfortable. I was irritated that God was asking  this of me. I chose the blog format because of the accountability. Thank you so much friends for holding me accountable and encouraging me. I want "Whisper" to grow. Then I run into the blank wall. My hearing is muffled. Is God speaking? What am I supposed to write? Other times I cannot get everything down fast enough and I lose it. So frustrating.

So now I am on the other side of yet another blank wall. I am writing again and seeking the Father for direction and wisdom. I have come to enjoy the process of writing. It is only the wall that frustrates.

I am adding a passage of scripture to my mission for this blog. That scripture is I Kings 19: 11 - 13. This passage describes Elijah being sent to the mountain for Lord is going to pass by.  The Lord was not in the wind, fire, or the earthquake. The Lord was in the silence. I have found that the blank wall fades only when I quiet myself and listen in the silence. He comes to me when I settle not when I quake or rail like a storm.

I am overcoming the wall, listening for His whisper, and whispering my own thoughts forward.

Lord help me to wait on you. Help me to listen for you in the silence.


Krista said...

keep listening, keep whispering. I'm feeling much the same way.

S. said...

now I almost never comment, but I want you to know that I always read...