The three of us stayed in our jammies until well after noon. We read books, laughed, watched Extreme Home Makeover, giggled and were generally irresponsible with our time. We did manage to put away some folded laundry. I think it ended up in the correct drawers.

Then we bundled up and headed out for adventure. A hill of some sort was needed so off to the college where the soccer field is cut out of a knoll resulting in fabulous mid level sliding. I was thinking we would be there, oh, maybe 30 minutes. An hour later we had a mom popsicle and girls having the time of their lives. A wonderful memory.
Are you making memories with your babies? I have the tendency to get so wrapped up in the things that have to get done - the homework, piano, laundry, and dinner. I forget to make memories and this snow day gave me the opportunity to really focus on doing just that.

Then God gives me a snow day.
what a good idea, and a perfect snow angel to remind me that i need to do the same! i should make angels in the snow and play more.
Love it. great reminder. now if I could just see about getting us a little snow...
Now I'm missing snow. But I'd never wish it on Oklahoma. Thanks for the reminder- kids can be frustrating just being kids, but kids are also wonderfully fun if we let ourselves appreciate and join them in their kidness. And refreshing- we tend to take our grown-up selves a bit to seriously sometimes. ;)
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