I make myself and you pretty promises. Then life intervenes. Sigh...
My temptation is to beat myself up over it, like I do when I don't get chores done. However the past is past. Anne Shirley says " tomorrow is brand new with no mistakes in it" or something close to that. I cherish the idea that like a slate wiped clean, today is a new day. I can start fresh.
I did not write a single Christmas post this year though I started several. In the chaos of holidays filled with travel, an unplanned opportunity, leaving a job, sickness, accidents, death of a loved one, I simply focused on school and getting us where we needed to go. That was good. Now, finally, I am beginning to add stuff back into the mix.

Yesterday we had a get together and sleepover for T's ninth birthday celebration. Hello Kitty cake and just dance kids and giggles and Uno. Super fun. They slept til almost ten! hooray! Today we brave the great white world and head south for a 18th century style Epiphany dinner with our re-enacting community. I even got my dress repaired. I think I may be getting back into the groove again.
Pressing onward toward the goal and leaning on His guidance through each moment. Friends give each day to the Father only He can handle what life is going to throw at you. He wants to be your everything. When life seems overwhelming and impossible give it to Him.
Lord, Take today guide me through that I may be used by you!